It is hard to determine the exact cost of drug rehab. You may have outpatient programs where you only need to see your physician a few times a week. At the same time, other people may opt for luxurious rehab centers with homeopathic treatment options, alternative therapies, pools, and saunas. When choosing a drug rehabilitation center, the cost is usually a significant concern aside from other factors, including the duration of your stay, the location, and the type of treatment you select. The cost of drug rehab is also based on the person’s requirements, but there are economical treatment options suited to people of various economic backgrounds.

The average cost of drug rehab depends on the facility, with some programs costing relatively more and others costing very little. Insurance is typically used to cater to rehab expenses. The amount covered by the person’s insurance depends on their insurance provider and what the rehab facility accepts. The insurance costs for substance abuse treatment can be covered by certain insurance providers, including:

  • Drug Rehab CostState-funded insurance
  • Military-offered insurance
  • Private insurance
  • Medicaid
  • Medicare

Keep in mind that insurance still has to take a comprehensive biopsychosocial evaluation of the client to get a diagnosis, assess the level of care, and determine the client’s needs. The assessment also helps to develop a personalized treatment plan for the patient.

Not all people have insurance, so they have to look for other ways to pay for their drug rehabilitation treatment. However, even without insurance, there are still alternatives available to help individuals get the treatment they need. All drug rehab programs provide essential services, but amenities and supplementary therapies generally raise treatment costs.

Types and Costs of Drug Rehab Treatments

Inpatient rehabilitation for a 30-day duration may cost up to $25,000, and a 90-day program can cost up to $60,000.


Drug Rehab CostA detox may cost between $300 to $800 a day, with outpatient detox ranging between $1000 to $1500 overall. Detox is the process of eliminating any addictive substances such as alcohol or drugs from the body. When it is medically managed in a safe environment, the patient can get the necessary care and attention to address the painful and possibly fatal withdrawal symptoms. The price of detox may vary based on the associated risks, the prescribed pseudo-medications, and the amount of care provided, to name a few. It is the first step of drug rehabilitation, but it does not deal with the hidden problems that lead to substance abuse. The price of detox typically excludes that of the follow-up treatment programs. The costs of detox usually accumulate daily and can go beyond $1000 a day. Medication assisted-detox can cost more if the treatment center charges the client for the use of drugs like Buprenorphine, Methadone, or Benzodiazepines. If one is going into an inpatient program, the price of detox might be covered by the overall cost of the rehabilitation program.

Inpatient Drug Rehab

30-day inpatient programs may cost between $2000-$25,000. Residential treatment can be incredibly costly for people suffering from a more severe substance abuse problem and even those with co-occurring disorders. Inpatient rehab usually costs more than outpatient programs because of housing and food costs and receiving medical supervision in an appropriate setting. Anyone looking to go for a 60 or 90-day program should expect to pay anywhere between $12,000 and $60,000. Some luxury rehabilitation programs can even go beyond $100,000 for 30 to 90-day durations.

Outpatient Drug Rehab

Outpatient programs may be longer than inpatient programs, but the cost may be less for people with mild to moderate addictions. Patients suffering from less severe addictions typically need a less intensive approach. Outpatient drug rehab typically costs between $5000- $8000 for a 90-day duration. There are free outpatient rehab facilities that are publicly run but only accessible to those who qualify. The rates may depend on the number of visits to the facility as required and the duration of the treatment.


The type of medications and treatment required by the patient will affect the cost of the rehabilitation program. Certain individuals do not require medication for their substance abuse disorders. These medications usually treat opioid and alcohol addiction and can cost up to several thousand dollars annually. Methadone treatment for people suffering from heroin addiction can cost $4700 for an entire year.

Support Groups and Aftercare

Drug RehabAftercare for patients who have left drug rehab is usually free. Most national support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous are free and offer patients a place to be accountable for their recovery. Other recovering individuals also opt for counseling which varies in cost based on the type of therapy. Most sessions range from $75 to $150 per session. Some people also look for sober living housing, a community living set-up aimed at helping one stay clean. Like any other place of residence, these sober living environments can also vary in cost based on the type of housing.

Factors to Consider In Addiction Treatment Costs

Certain factors affect the price of drug rehab, and they include:

  • Amenities

The amenities provided in rehab centers cost money. They may include tennis courts, swimming pools, acupuncture, or massages. Luxury rehabs attended by wealthy people are more costly because of these services. Luxury facilities may go for tens of thousands of dollars monthly, while the rate may be much lower for most rehab facilities.

  • Treatments Provided

Individuals with severe addictions need more intensive treatment, and they may need to stay in the program, costing them more for treatment. Some users may not require detox due to the nature of their substance use and the extent of their withdrawals, minimizing the cost of treatment.

  • Type of Facility

Inpatient and outpatient programs differ significantly in price. Inpatient programs cost more due to the extra charges for intensive care and housing. The program duration and the location of the facility will also determine the price of the drug rehabilitation. If the facility is also in a state with a higher cost of living, then the treatment may be more expensive.

Considering these factors can help you decide which drug rehab program works best for you regarding treatment needs and costs.